We are giving away our very first free character

We have big news! Our very first FREE character rig from Long Winter Studios is coming out next week, along with five new characters! Meet Big, one of our shiny new crash characters.
We have spent all year working furiously to get fresh new character rigs ready for you to animate. Hopefully you’ve seen Stompasaurus, our new guy we just added to the character managers of our Members. We’ve got five more coming your way and you’ll see a preview next week!
If you’re already a member, you’ll see these guys automatically added to your character manager next week. No clunky installs or updates or need to do anything. Boom.
Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive updates and previews of our new stuff before anyone else gets to see it!
If you’re not a member yet, let’s get this party started! Sign up below and you’ll have instant access to 40+ high-quality character rigs.
Inspired? Join our members and start animating with the best character rigs out there!
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