What to expect with maya 2019

Maya 2019 promises some pretty excellent updates and we’re very excited about animation caching in particular. For us though, we’re more excited to see our work demoing some of the coolest new features!
Thanks again to Autodesk for the pleasure of building out these assets and animation! Here are some early designs we did for the film. Artwork by Eric Meister
Here is what to expect with maya 2019:
- Improvements to Viewport 2.0 – Better loading speeds, object selection and a number of interactive improvements.
- Cached playback for animation!
- Better tools for tracking computer resources. Improved evaluation tools.
- Cleaner interaction for rendering including better setup and closer to final render viewport settings.
- Render Arnold right in the viewport!
- New graph editor filters for faster curve clean up!
- New stuff in the content browser.
For a full list of what’s new, check out the release notes:
Check out the demos:
Interested in learning more about our characters?
Check out the latest additions to our Character Library
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