Dale the crocodile has arrived!

We’re incredibly excited to release Dale into the wild! This is a crocodile who can be creature or character. He has enough robustness in his rig to act as school principal or scary swamp monster. Dale is a member-exclusive character and is only available through our new membership program. You can join today and make something awesome with Dale and the rest of the gang!
Follow us on our Long Winter Studios Facebook page for the most up-to-date news on our new characters as they roll out. What characters do you want to see in 2017? Leave a comment below and let us know!
Ready to sign up?
Enter our 2nd Annual Tommies Awards contest!
Are your animations ready? The 2017 Tommies animation contest is coming up in February! Stay tuned on our Facebook page for more details, polish up your shots with our Long Winter characters, and watch our awesome winners from last year: People’s Choice 2016, and our Staff Picks 2016!
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